Custom Services

Magnetic Pulleys and Drums
Magnetic pulleys replace head pulleys in new or existing belt conveyor systems for continuous removal of tramp iron from wet or dry materials (sand, grain, wood chips, coal, plastics, etc.). Available in various sizes for conveyors up to 72″ and light to heavy loads.
Magnetic Drums efficiently and continuously remove both large and small ferrous contamination from a wide variety of materials, especially granular or pulverized materials conveyed in closed chutes or spouts (aggregate, chemicals, plastics, food, grain, sand, minerals, etc). Available in various capacities either housed or basic drum only.
Overhead Separators
Choose among self-cleaning and economy versions of our overhead magnets to automatically remove larger quantities of ferrous metals from most conveyors, chutes and vibratory feeders. Self-Cleaning models are available with electric or hydraulic power. Other types, such as our tilt-magnet, involve a hand operated winch for easier than manual cleaning without the cost of a self-cleaner.
Custom Design and Fabrication
We have over 50 years in the magnetic design and fabrication business. Our sales staff can assist you in designing a magnetic solution that will fit your requirements. Lifting, sweeping, separating, positioning, and much more. We have worked with some of the biggest names in industry over the years along with small owner-operated shops around the world. No job too large or small for our team to provide support on. Call us for information.